The Female Health & Nutrition Training Program
An in depth, thirteen part training on specific nutrition, exercise and hormone testing for women.
This training is intended to give you an edge when it comes to working with your female clients or patients. Diving into the specifics on nutrition for women, how to match nutrition to the female cycle, hormone basics, specific hormone conditions and how to navigate them, and nutrient timing for women and exercise. We also dive into DUTCH hormone testing. What it is, how to use it with patients, and clinical application.
Complete with a Master List of Warming & Cooling Foods you can use to develop and sell your own programs.
You will also have access to me to ask questions, and help with specific cases.
Modules Include:
- The Basics of Nutrition
- Hormone Basics
- Nutrition for Hormones
- Nutrient Timing for Exercise
- Specifics for Conditions
- What to Look for in Products
- Seed Cycling
- Fat Burning Techniques for the Cycle
- Fat Burning Techniques for Menopause
- Fat Burning Fitness Techniques
- DUTCH Testing
- Clinical Approach to DUTCH Testing
- Clinical Approach to GI Mapping