$375.00 USD

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DUTCH & Thyroid Tests + Consultation

Far too many women suffer from hormone related symptoms due to hormone imbalance. Including menopause, weight gain, fatigue, low libido, PMS, mood swings, depression, and all of these can lead to more serious problems if they are aren't addressed.

Identifying the root cause is key is addressing, and correcting these hormone related symptom.

The DUTCH test was created to help identify the root cause using the most complete assessment of sex and adrenal hormones.

In a simple to use, self administered dried urine test. You simply take the test at home, ship it back, and once we receive your test results we schedule a phone consult to go through your results in depth. From there one of our Doctors will make recommendations for you based on your test results.

Our flagship product. The DUTCH Complete is the most advanced hormone test, offering an extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormones and melatonin, along with their metabolites, to identify symptoms of hormonal imbalances. Easily collected in the comfort of your own home, samples are then sent to our lab to be processed. The DUTCH Complete is the most accurate test that provides a complete assessment of hormonal health.

The kit includes:

• Easy directions and filter paper collection strips

• Requisition form for patient information, pertinent supplements, medications, hormone replacement and a health questionnaire

• Sealable return envelope

The results include:

• Analysis of 35 different hormones: estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA-S, and cortisol along with their metabolites

• Daily free cortisol patterns to provide insight into adrenal insufficiency or symptoms of chronic stress

• Graphical representation of results and embedded video tutorials to assist in the hormone assessment to share with your medical provider

• DUTCH OATs: Oxidative stress marker – 8-Hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), melatonin (6-OHMS), and six organic acid tests (OATs) including markers for vitamin B12 (methylmalonate), vitamin B6 (xanthurenate), kynurenate, glutathione (pyroglutamate), dopamine (homovanillate), norepinephrine/epinephrine (vanilmandelate).

Thyroid Test

Thyroid imbalance is more common than you might think. This at-home blood test provides insights about thyroid function by measuring key hormone levels. 

Results Include

Levels of the four thyroid-related biomarkers tested can indicate whether your thyroid is under-functioning (hypothyroidism) or over-functioning (hyperthyroidism).

It measures Free T3, Free T4, TSH, & Antibodies.

We will order the tests and have it shipped to your house complete with instructions for taking the test and shipping back. Once the test is received and analyzed we will receive your results. At that time we will contact you to set up your 60 minute phone consult to go through your results with one of our Doctors, and make recommendations based on your results.