Regain Control of Your Body & Lose the Weight You've Gained, FOR GOOD...Starting Today

Have you noticed that everything that used to work to drop those extra pounds no longer works?

That hormonal weight around your midsection won’t budge no matter what methods have worked for you in the past.

You may be feeling frustrated and confused or like you have lost control of your own body.

Your body is changing and your nutrition should too.

It’s time to end the feelings of frustration and start feeling successful with a program designed specifically for your body as it goes through menopause.

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Start Losing Weight Today Without Restricting or Depriving Yourself

A Health & Weight Loss Program that FITS with your Lifestyle & is Designed for YOUR body! No more worrying about not being able to stick with it!

This program is for you if...

You aren't doing anything differently. You eat clean, work out, do all the right things, but you just can't seem to get your weight to budge. And worse yet, it feels like your gaining.

All of the tactics that used to work for you aren't working anymore.

You feel like no matter what diet you try or how much you restrict you just can't lose weight?

You can stick with a program for a couple weeks but then fall off the bandwagon?

It seems like every time you do lose a few pounds it's not long before you gain it back?

You are frustrated, burnt out, and sick of having to go through the cycle of losing weight just to gain it back and then some?

Your hormones feel out of whack, and you know the stress you are under is playing a part in the lack of weight loss results you are seeing?

It's time to change this story.

Most diet plans out there aren't taking into consideration the way hormones change as women age.

Why is this important? As women when we go through Menopause our bodies shift hormonally. It's as if we have an entirely new body. If we aren't supporting that change with the right nutrition, no matter how clean we eat, or how much we workout, we are never going to get the results we want.

Most plans don't take into consideration how stress affects the female body and prevents weight loss.

Did you know the female body is highly sensitive to stress? This is even more true in Menopause. Things like restricting calories, or cutting out macronutrients can result in gaining belly fat. That tire around your  midsection is a result of this!

During menopause the female body also processes carbohydrate differently! 

The 12 Week Menopause Solution Program not only takes hormones and stress into consideration, it puts a plan in place to work with your body, and combat stress. You will never have to fight against your body again.

This program is designed to take the foods you are ALREADY eating, and match them to YOUR body!

This prevents you from "falling off the plan" and setting yourself back.

I know you have DOUBTS. That's normal. Especially if you've tried diet after diet with no lasting result. Why is this going to be the program you stick with?

Because you haven't tried anything designed for YOUR body and this phase of your life. You haven't done anything with an expert leading you step by step and making adjustments based on how your body responds.

Imagine no longer having to worry about sticking to a strict plan that prevents you from enjoying life!

You can finally get back to feeling like you again, and loving your body! All while gaining energy, losing inches, targeting belly fat, building strong lean muscle, and building back your confidence.


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"I was so stuck and frustrated I thought I was going to have to live the rest of my life feeling that way. When I found Dr. Beth I thought it was almost too good to be true. She was the only person speaking about Menopause. I am so glad I trusted her and took the leap. I have tried every diet out there, and NOTHING provided the results this program has. I lost 8 pounds, and 10 inches! I have more energy, and I finally feel like I have regained control of my body."

Lois T.

Take the Guesswork Out of Meals

Meal's one of those things you know you should do, but don't have the time for. 

Or maybe you're the opposite and you love setting yourself up for the week.

Here's the good news...if you don't want to meal prep you don't have to!

If you love to be prepared, I'm giving you all the tools you need!

I get it you rush home from work and grab what you can because you don't have time to think about what you should be eating.

This program is going to take the guess work out with an easy to use, family-friendly meal guide. It's laid out so you can easily swap in and out the things you have on hand.

It's also going to walk you through how to eat for your hormones, carb cycling, and fasting to jump start your metabolism.

All of these things are incorporated into one NO-FAIL program.

I've made this the easiest program you've ever followed, with the best results!

On Demand Support

Life happens. You shouldn't be left wondering what to do to get back on track.

Time and time again you start something with the best intentions, and a few weeks in find yourself off track and unsure of where to go.

It can feel like you are in it alone, but it shouldn't.

Consistency can be tough. But when you are doing something that fits with your current lifestyle, it becomes easier! It's just a matter of moving things to fit with where your body is at.

You will have access to me 24/7 via email to get all of your questions answered. So you are never left guessing if you are doing the right thing.

Three One to One Calls! This is one of the most valuable parts of the program. This allows us the chance to customize the program to fit for you based on how YOUR body is responding!

Weekly Coaching Calls! Each week we will meet as a group to make sure everyone has their questions answered and is staying on track!

A Facebook group with a tribe of women on the same journey as you! Here to share resources, struggles, wins & so much more! This is the game changer for women! 

You have a specific place to get your questions answered, help when you need it, and women to celebrate your successes with!

End Hormone Issues, Cravings, Mood Swings, & Weight Gain for Good While Getting Your Energy Back!

Do you feel like you don't have control of your body? Like the things that used to work aren't working to lose weight? 

Do you feel like you are doing all the right things, eating clean, working out, but it's not paying off?

And you aren't even really doing anything different, but you seem to just keep gaining weight.

The FIRST step to weight loss in Menopause starts with detoxing excess hormone & getting your body to start metabolizing excess hormone to avoid that build up that causes weight gain, fatigue, trouble sleeping and so much more!

The next step will be to balance your hormones through nutrition in order to end the symptoms you've been experiencing every month and help you regain control of your body!

No more mood swings, cravings, weight gain, hot flashes, night sweats. You can combat these symptoms and I am here to get you there.

This program is yours for life! You can refer back to it whenever you need.

It's set up to shift your mindset around fueling your body and teaching you what you need to know. So you have the tools you need to remain at your goal weight, for life.

You will receive weekly videos taking a deep dive into even more content helping you learn how to fuel your body. I will touch on specifics for menopause, the numerous components built into this program including fasting, carb cycling and protein pacing. We will also take a deep dive into Stress & how to combat the negative effects of it!

Join the 12 Week Menopause Solution Waitlist

It's Time to Regain Control of Your Body & Lose the Weight Once and For All

You have a NEW body in Menopause. It's time for a program designed to match that. Something that gives you control and results.

If you are sick of not being able to stick with something long term, this program is for you.

If you are at a point where you feel like nothing is giving you the REAL result you want, then this program is for you.

If you are sick of feeling like you are constantly working against your body, and have to work so hard for a small result, this program is for you.

If you feel frustrated, hopeless, defeated or let down by the programs in the past, this program is for you.

With my approach, you have no track record of failure, and it’s designed specifically for you. We are going to take care of hormone issues, weight loss, and health all at once.

After all these things are linked.

And if they aren't being addressed together you may solve one, but the other two will suffer.

I am on your side. We are going to walk through this program hand in hand to make sure it fits for YOU. Every body responds differently and it's important to take note of the feedback we get from your body. Not only will we touch base weekly, we will get on the phone every month to make sure things are progressing like we want!

This program was designed for women who are busy. I'm a mom of 3, so I get it. You aren't going to be cooking separate meals, or buying separate groceries. 

You can adapt it to your life no matter what’s going on. Enter this process with an open mind, commitment, and some patience.

I am pouring my heart, soul & TONS of in depth info into this program. If you’ve been searching for something that felt like it was designed with you in mind, and you are ready to make this change once and for all this is the program for you.

The 12 Week Menopause Solution Challenge is designed for women that are looking to take control of their health, regulate hormones, increase energy, lose weight, and sustain this lifestyle!

Each month you will receive new meal guides, grocery lists & recipes. Every week you will receive videos taking a deep dive into even more information to help you understand how to eat for your hormones.

I will be teaching you about the cooling and warming phases as well as which foods will help boost your metabolism further. We will also walk through protein pacing, carb cycling, and different fasting protocols to really get your body burning!

Everything is laid out in an easy to use plan that really teaches you how to eat. So you can sustain this way of eating for the rest of your life!

This program is designed to help regulate hormones, combat stress, boost energy, and increase weight loss!

If you are done being stuck and frustrated with weight loss, this program is for you. When you join you are going to love how quickly you start to notice a result.

Space is limited! The program is capped so that each person gets the one on one customization they need to reach their goals!

I want to help you create a plan that works for YOU.


Join the 12 Week Menopause Solution Waitlist

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I learn more? The best way to learn more is to get on the waitlist by entering your information above! I'm going to be sending more information there!

How is this program different? This program is designed specifically for women in Menopause. We've taken into consideration how the body processes nutrients differently in menopause, and we've also set specific foundational protocols in place so you get off to the right start. You will also receive customization and support that is specific to YOUR body. The program is not the same for everyone! We use the feedback your body gives us to adjust as we go to make sure you're reaching your goals!

How do I know if this will work for me? Well, if you are willing to do the work and follow my guidance, it will work for you. I am committed to making sure you make progress. My tool belt is FULL of tools that we can use based on how your body is responding. We will continue to tweak and adjust as we go along to make sure you hit your goals.

Will I get direct coaching with you? Yes! Each week we have a group coaching call that you can jump on and get your questions answered. I am also available via email 24/7. AND (this is the best part) you and I will have 3 one to one phone calls to make sure we are staying on track & moving towards your goals.

What results can I expect to see? Every woman is different and has a different starting point. Most women experience things like: an drastic improvement in energy, better sleep, fewer/elimination of Menopause symptoms, clothes fitting better, improvement in strength, inches decreasing by 10-30inches overall. AND a better understanding of how to take control of your new body. So you feel like you again.

Will I have to cut out foods I love? Here's the thing...if your body is functioning like it should be, one thing shouldn't make or break it. You should be able to have the cupcake, or glass of wine, or dressing on your salad without it "throwing things off" or sabotaging your results. That's my goal for you in this program; to get your body functioning like it should be, so you can still have the things you love.

How flexible is the meal plan? In short, VERY. I am going to list out specifics for you to follow, but I'm also going to offer you a TON of substitution options. So if you find something you don't like, swap it with something you do. This will probably be the easiest, most flexible meal guide you've ever followed. Because in reality, it's not as much about being super strict, as it is about getting the right types of foods at the right times. I'm going to teach you that!

What's included? 12 Weeks of in depth content delivered via video to help you understand your body so you can create a lifestyle change. 

Flexible meal guides that are family friendly and easy to adapt.

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Three, One to One Phone Calls with Me

Exercise Recommendations

Daily Support & Accountability

"I tried everything that I used to do to lose weight, and nothing was working. I cut calories, added an extra workout, cleaned up my diet, nothing. I was so lost, and couldn't stand the tire around my midsection anymore. I am so grateful to have found Dr. Beth. This is so much more than a weight loss program. I feel like I have control again, and know what to do to keep things on track. My hot flashes are gone, I'm sleeping better, no more mood swings, and I feel great. It's like I lost 10 years along with the 10lbs. I couldn't be happier, I only wish I would have found her sooner!"

- Mary H.

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